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Rotator Cuff Tear Compensation Claims
Find out how much your personal injury claim may be worth
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What is a rotator cuff tear?
The ‘rotator cuff’ refers to a group of muscles that surround the shoulder joint, called supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. The purpose of these muscles is to stabilise the shoulder joint and allow it to move.
A rotator cuff tear refers to the tearing of the tendons that stretch from the edge of the muscle at the shoulder blade to the top of the arm bone (humerus). Tears can occur in any of the four muscles of the rotator cuff, but the supraspinatus muscle is the most likely to tear. A rotator cuff tear is one of the more common causes of shoulder pain and frozen shoulders.
When someone suffers a shoulder injury, it can seriously affect their daily life and cause long-term pain. If you have suffered a rotator cuff injury as a result of an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be eligible to make a rotator cuff tear compensation claim.
Causes of rotator cuff injury
A sports injury, car accident, accident in a public place or accident at work from a lack of health and safety procedures can all cause a tear in one or multiple rotator cuff muscles, as can long-term wear and tear on the shoulder. Due to the physical, emotional and financial strain that shoulder injury like this can cause, many people are eligible for rotator cuff tear compensation.
A rotator cuff injury can happen suddenly, for example, as a result of an accident at work or in a car accident, or gradually over time. Tears can be partial, going only part of the way into the tendon, or full, going all the way through the tendon.
Repeated motions involving the arms can result in wear and tear to the shoulder muscles, eventually developing into an injury to the shoulder.
Whatever the cause of your injury, if someone else is to blame, you may have grounds for a valid claim for rotator cuff injury compensation.
Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear?
A person with a rotator cuff injury will usually feel pain around the shoulder and upper arm, which is often made worse by reaching out in front or behind the patient’s back. The pain can manifest as a general ache or a more severe, sharp pain upon moving the shoulder and arm. It is common for patients to experience more pain during the night if they have an injury to the shoulder, such as a rotator cuff tear.
Many patients also report a feeling of weakness in the arm and an inability to raise the arm up above the head. Some can also hear a clicking or grating sound when they move the shoulder.
These symptoms can also be signs of other types of injury to the shoulder. Seek advice from your GP or local hospital if you are concerned that you may have symptoms of a rotator cuff tear.
Rotator cuff tear compensation amounts
Rotator cuff compensation will be split into general damages and special damages.
General damages usually make up the majority of a claim and are designed to provide compensation for pain and suffering. The amount of compensation you receive will be largely based on the Judicial College Guidelines, which offer guidance for valuing an injury.
More severe injuries with long term impacts or permanent disability will be awarded higher levels of compensation than those which take a few weeks or months to recover from.
Under the Judicial College guidelines a claimant could recover between £15,580 to £23,430 in compensation for a rotator cuff injury which required surgery and persistent symptoms followed. Compensation could be higher for those who suffer a permanent disability or a psychological disorder in addition to the physical injury.
Special damages refers to the additional financial losses suffered as a result of the accident. These may include:
- Loss of earnings
- Prescription costs
- Private medical treatment costs
- Costs of care and assistance
- Travel costs to and from appointments
How making a claim can assist in your recovery
Making a claim after a rotator cuff tear injury can play a vital role in your recovery, providing both financial and practical support during a challenging time. Here’s how it can help:
Access to rehabilitation and medical care
As part of the claims process, our solicitors can arrange specialist treatments, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or psychological support. These treatments might not always be readily available through the NHS.
Early intervention through interim payments (if liability is established) can also accelerate your access to necessary care.
Financial stability
Compensation can help to cover lost earnings if you are unable to work during your recovery. It can also account for future loss of earnings if your injury has long-term effects on your career.
Home and lifestyle adjustments
Making a claim can provide access to funds for home modifications or mobility aids, This can help in enabling you to adapt to any physical limitations caused by your injury. It can also cover additional expenses, such as transport costs if you’re unable to drive.
Peace of mind
Knowing that your financial and medical needs are being addressed allows you to focus on recovery without the stress of financial burdens.
Accountability and Prevention
Making a claim can hold the responsible party accountable. This can often lead to better safety practices and potentially prevent similar incidents in the future.
Making a rotator cuff tear compensation claim
An injury to the shoulder can be debilitating and have a significant impact on your work and personal life. Depending on your treatment, you will likely have your arm in a sling for a period of time and may not be able to lift anything heavy until the pain improves. This can cause both emotional and financial strain, and so you may want to claim rotator cuff tear compensation.
Shoulder injury compensation claims can be awarded to those who have suffered a rotator cuff injury as a result of the negligence of someone else.
To make a claim for claim rotator cuff tear compensation, get in touch with our personal injury solicitors today.
At Beacon law, our solicitors offer claims for compensation on a no-win-no-fee agreement. The benefit of making a claim on a no-win, no-fee basis means that you will not be required to pay any costs up front, and will only be required to pay our fees if your shoulder injury claim is successful.
How can Beacon Law assist?
Beacon Law is a leading Manchester law firm with a great reputation. Our specialist solicitors and legal professionals have vast experience in handling all types of personal injury claims and medical negligence claims. If your rotator cuff tear was caused as a result of someone else’s negligence, you could be eligible to make a claim for compensation.
We are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and can provide you with any legal advice on rotator cuff injury claims as required. We will provide assistance throughout your case and act only within your instructions in progressing the matter.
If you require our assistance or wish to discuss your case based on its own facts, please complete the online contact form on our website, and a specialist Solicitor will contact you. Alternatively, you may call us on 0330 1332 857 to discuss your potential case.
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Last Updated on November 25, 2024 by Stacey