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How Much Compensation for a Broken Hip

Find out how much your personal injury claim may be worth



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The hips are made up of three sections; the ilium, pubis and ischium. The hips are vital parts of the body. They are the bony structure that makes up the pelvis or pelvic girdle. The hips allow your legs to move around freely via a ball and socket joint.

Your hips are very important for both movement and stability, so any type of hip or pelvis injury can lead to significant pain or disability. Depending on the severity of the hip injury, you may find yourself restricted from doing day to day activities, such as walking, going up and down the stairs, getting dressed, and even some work duties. Not being able to walk or suffering pain when you move the lower part of your body may mean that you may have to take some time off work or potentially change your career if the injury is so severe.

If you have suffered a hip injury due to an accident, such as an accident at work, or medical negligence, you may be able to make a personal injury compensation claim for the pain and suffering you experience and for any financial expenses you have incurred because of your injury. If you are considering making a claim for a broken hip, you may also be wondering, “how much compensation for a broken hip?”

Common Accidents That Lead To Broken Hip Injuries

Beacon Law has dealt with numerous cases of broken hip compensation claims. In our experience, some of the most common accidents that can lead to broken hips include:

  • Road traffic accidents: Many road traffic accidents, including car accidents, pedestrian accidents and cyclist accidents, can lead to hip injuries. If you were involved in a high-speed car accident and collided with a large vehicle such as a truck or crashed into an immovable object such as a barrier, you can sustain a broken hip. If you have suffered a broken hip from a road traffic accident, you could be entitled to compensation. You can find out more about claiming a road traffic accident by checking our Road Traffic Accidents page.
  • Accidents at work: Your employer has a duty of care to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible. Your employer must provide the correct training and ensure protection measures are put in place to protect you against work accidents. However, sometimes accidents at work do happen. If the correct training or protection measures weren’t in place and you suffer a broken hip at work as a result or any other type of hip injury, then you could be eligible to claim against your employer. Your compensation claim will be made against your employer’s Employers’ Liability Insurance, which is compulsory for all employers.
  • Slips, trips and falls in public places: People slip, trip and fall in public places every day, and while it may be embarrassing, many falling accidents have severe consequences and can lead to serious injuries such as broken bones. In most cases, these accidents could have been avoided if safety procedures and regulations were followed correctly. If you have broken your hip, as a result of your injury, in an accident in a public place, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Check out our article on Claiming for an Accident in a Public Place to find out more information.
  • Sports accidents: Many accidents that happen at sporting events can lead to serious injuries, such as hip injuries. You may have been involved in an inappropriate tackle, which caused you to fall over and break or fracture your hip, or you may have even sustained an injury because of faulty equipment or badly maintained fields or courts. You might be entitled to claim compensation if you sustained a broken hip during a sporting activity. Check out our Sports Injury Claims For Compensation article for more information.

If you have broken your hip in an accident that is not listed above, you may still be able to make a claim for compensation. Hip injuries can vary and have different recovery times. Less severe hip injuries often heal without medical assistance within a couple of weeks. Severe hip injuries can cause significant pain when attempting to walk or move and may also cause severe bruising and swelling around the hip and long-term nerve damage in the feet. Some hip injuries may be so severe that they may require hip replacement surgery. Contact us today to speak to one of our specialist personal injury lawyers about making a hip injury compensation claim.

How Much Compensation For A Broken Hip?

If you are thinking about claiming a broken hip, you may be wondering, “how much compensation for a broken hip?”

It is not possible to determine the exact compensation amount you will receive for your broken hip, as each case is unique. The compensation award for hip injuries is calculated on a case by case basis as hip injuries can range in severity from soft tissue injuries to multiple hip fractures with permanent damage.

There are many compensation calculators online that may indicate the amount of compensation you could receive for a broken hip; however, the amount stated when using these calculators is not always accurate and cannot be guaranteed.

According to Judicial College Guidelines and recent case law at Beacon Law, we will calculate your hip injury claim.

The amount of compensation you could receive for your hip injury depends on the severity of the injury and the length of time it took to make a full recovery.

Below are guidelines of how much your hip injury claim could be worth:

  • Soft Tissue Hip Injury-(£3,000-£9,550)
  • Botched Hip Replacement Surgery- (£3,000- £20,200)
  • Fracture- dislocation of pelvis- (£29,800-£99,000)
  • Broken Hip –(£9,500-£39,900)

How Can Beacon Law Assist?

Beacon Law is a law firm that specialises in personal injury claims. Our team of highly experienced personal injury solicitors and legal professionals have processed large numbers of successful claims for personal injuries, including broken hips. If you are wondering how much compensation for a broken hip you will receive, contact us to speak to a specialist Solicitor.

Beacon Law can help you make a compensation claim for your broken hip on a no win, no fee basis, which means that you won’t have to pay any of our fees if your case is unsuccessful. We are experts in no win, no fee claims and authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

If you have suffered a broken hip following an accident or as a result of someone else’s negligence, then call us today on 0330 1332 857 to get free legal advice from a friendly solicitor, and they will let you know if they can process a claim for you.

If you decide to claim with Beacon Law, our highly professional personal injury solicitors will work hard to ensure that you receive appropriate treatment and get the maximum compensation you deserve.

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