Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation Claims

Find out how much your personal injury claim may be worth



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What is a Rotator Cuff Injury?


A rotator cuff injury is a type of shoulder injury. The rotator cuff is the name given to the group of muscles and tendons which hold your shoulder and arm together. Tears and sprains to the rotator cuff are common and can cause severe shoulder pain and weakness to the shoulder.

In some circumstances, the pain may be felt down the arm, which may result in limited movement of the arm and loss of sleep due to the injury. Rotator cuff injury compensation can be claimed if the injury was caused by someone else’s negligence.


Common Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries


Suffering a shoulder injury, such as a rotator cuff injury, frozen shoulder, or a dislocated shoulder, is very common. Beacon Law have dealt with a number of shoulder injury compensation claims with injuries arising from a range of different accidents. The most common types of accidents which may lead to rotator cuff injury compensation include:

If you have sustained a rotator cuff or shoulder injury in an accident which has not been listed above, you may still be able to make a personal injury claim. Contact our team for specialist legal advice and we will let you know if we think you could be entitled to claim compensation for a shoulder injury.


I Have Suffered a Rotator Cuff Injury, What Should I Do?


If your rotator cuff injury happened at work, you should report the accident to a supervisor or manager and ensure that the incident has been logged appropriately in an accident report book. If the accident did not happen at work, you should report the incident to the person or company who you believe is responsible, for example, if it happened in a restaurant, you should report it to the management.

If you suffered your injury in a road traffic accident, report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible.

You should seek appropriate medical attention for your injury from a GP or hospital. If your shoulder injury is severe, seek urgent attention at hospital.

Keep receipts for any medical treatment which you have had to pay for so that you can recover the expenses if you decide to make a claim.

If you would like to make a claim, or if you would like to discuss the claim process with a personal injury solicitor, contact Beacon Law today using the contact forms on our website, or call us on 0330 1332 857.

You should be aware that there is a strict time limit of 3 years from the date of the accident for making a personal injury claim. This can be extended in special circumstances; however, we would advise that you start your claim as early as possible to avoid your claim becoming statute barred.


Am I Entitled to Make a Claim Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation?


 A claim for compensation can be made if there was another party at fault for your accident. To be successful in making a personal injury claim, you must be able to establish that a party has been negligent, and that their negligence caused your accident and subsequent injuries.

For example, in a road traffic accident, road users have a duty of care to each other to ensure they use the roads safely, and the risk of accidents is minimised. If an accident occurs, which was not your fault, and as a result, you have suffered a rotator cuff injury, you can bring a claim against the party who caused the accident.

If you are involved in a workplace accident, your employer holds a duty of care under various health and safety regulations, to provide you with a safe working environment. If this duty is breached and you suffer a shoulder or rotator cuff injury, you can make a claim for compensation against your employer for their negligence.

Similarly, if you have a slip, trip or fall in a public place, you can bring a claim against the local authority as they hold a duty of care towards you to ensure public places are maintained in a safe position.

If you have a slip, trip or fall accident in a private establishment, such as a shopping centre, you can also establish a duty of care between yourself and the supermarket.

At Beacon Law, we can assist in trying to establish a duty of care in relation to your specific accident and namely the neck injury which you may have sustained.

Sometimes, accidents just happen and there is no one to blame. In these circumstances, unfortunately, you will be unable to make a claim for compensation as negligence is always required to make a claim.


How Much Compensation Will I Receive for a Rotator Cuff Injury?


Rotator cuff injury compensation can vary greatly depending on the severity of the shoulder injury. The compensation amount awarded for a shoulder injury can be between £1,000 and over £35,000, so it is difficult to place a figure on a shoulder injury claim without first assessing the level of injury sustained and the nature of the accident.

At Beacon Law, we will aim to reach the maximum settlement figure for your case. We will seek compensation for your injury, known as general damages. We will also seek compensation for special damages, which can include loss of earnings, covering the costs of any private healthcare and medical treatment you may incur, loss of earnings, and travel costs. We will aim to reach a settlement which will ease the financial burden while you recover from your neck injury.


How Long Will the It Take to Settle My Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation Claim?


The amount of time taken to settle a rotator cuff injury compensation claim will depend on many different aspects and complexities within the case, making it difficult to estimate how long it will take to settle. The majority of cases can last anywhere from six months to 2-3 years to settle. Less complex claims, with less severe injuries, usually take less time to settle.


Why Choose Beacon Law to Handle your Rotator Cuff Injury Compensation Claim?


Beacon Law is a Manchester-based Personal Injury law firm with a great reputation for providing exceptional service to all clients. Our specialist solicitors and legal professionals have vast experience in handling all types of personal injury claims. We have experience in dealing with shoulder injury claims as the result of many different types of accident, including accidents at work, road traffic accidents and occupiers liability accidents.

We offer our assistance on a no win, no fee basis which means that if your claim is unsuccessful, you will not be required to pay our fees. If your claim is successful, our fees will be deducted from your compensation on conclusion of your case.

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and can provide you with the legal advice you require as your personal injury lawyer. We will provide assistance throughout your case and act only within your instructions in progressing the matter.

If you require our assistance or wish to discuss your case based on its own facts, please complete the online contact form on our website, and a specialist Solicitor will contact you. Alternatively, you may call us on 0330 1332 857 to discuss your potential case.

Make a Claim

Contact us today to find out if you have a claim.

Use our Contact Forms or Call 0330 1332 857

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0161 428 1234

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0330 1332 857


0161 239 1072


Beacon Law

1st Floor

Shirley House

12 Gatley Road




Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Stacey