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Slip and Fall Injury at Work
Find out how much your personal injury claim may be worth
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Slips, trips and falls are common workplace accidents, but they are also very preventable if the correct measures are put in place. Work-related slip and fall injuries can lead to various consequences, ranging from minor bruises to severe fractures or head injuries. These incidents can cause serious pain and suffering for the affected individual. As such, understanding the dynamics of slips and falls in the workplace is crucial.
If you fell or slipped at work as a result of someone else’s actions, you may be able to claim compensation for a slip and fall injury at work. A professional solicitor from our team at Beacon Law can offer legal advice and assist you in getting the compensation you are entitled to.
Your employers’ responsibilities
Your employer has a duty of care to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible. They have an obligation to provide a safe place of work under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. In order to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible, your employer is responsible for:
- performing risk assessments for possible hazards
- cleaning up spillages
- making sure spillages are clearly signposted
- maintaining a tidy workplace
- advising on or providing appropriate footwear
The Health and Safety Executive have set out guidance on their website for employers to assist in the implementation of Health and Safety Legislation in the workplace. If you suffered an injury at work because your employer failed to adhere to the correct health and safety measures, then you may be able to make an accident claim for compensation.
Common causes of slip and fall injuries at work
Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common causes of injuries in the workplace that lead to accident at work claims. A lot of the time, a slip or fall at work could have been avoided if the correct safety measures were put in place. Slip and fall accidents are most commonly caused by:
- spillages and wet floors with poor signage
- torn carpets
- uneven surfaces
- poor lighting
- loose cables or wires/cables and wires not stored away properly
- messy workplaces – items left beside desks
- not wearing the correct footwear/ not being provided with appropriate footwear
What should I do if I sustain a slip and fall injury at work?
There are a number of important steps that you must take following a slip or fall in the workplace. If you have injured yourself in a slip and fall accident at work, we recommend you do the following:
- Seek medical attention from your GP or at a hospital as soon as possible so that you can get appropriate treatment for your injuries.
- Report your accident to a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.
- Make sure your accident is accurately recorded in your work’s accident book. Your employer is legally required to keep a log of all accidents in the workplace.
- If possible, take photographs of the accident area, including any equipment that was involved. You should also take photographs of your injuries as evidence.
- Obtain contact details of any witnesses of your accident so that a witness statement can be requested if needed.
- Try to find out and obtain information about any similar accidents or complaints that may be relevant to your case.
How can I make a claim for a slip and fall injury at work?
During your initial consultation, our specialist solicitors will provide you with legal advice about slip and fall injury at work claims and will inform you about the relevant limitation rules before you start your claim.
Our personal injury lawyers will then ask you for details about your accident and the initial injuries that were suffered as a result. This will help our injury lawyers to assess the likelihood of your claim being successful.
During these initial stages of your claim for compensation, it is vital that you gather the relevant evidence to support your claim. Relevant evidence may include CCTV footage of the incident, medical records, photographs of your injuries, and witness statements.
Your personal injury solicitor may also ask that you undergo an official medical examination in order to receive medical reports about the injuries that you have sustained. These medical reports will provide vital medical evidence of the nature and extent of your injuries. Even if you have received other medical care prior to starting your injury claim, a more thorough medical assessment may still be needed to produce detailed, accurate, and reliable medical reports.
If we think that your slip and fall injury at work claim would be likely to succeed, we will offer to proceed with your claim on a no win, no fee basis; if your claim is unsuccessful, you will not be required to pay any legal fees.
Will I be dismissed if I make a claim against my employer?
It is natural to be worried about the negative consequences of making a claim against your employer. You may be worried about being treated badly by your boss or even being dismissed if you make a claim against them.
We can assure you that your employer is not permitted to terminate your employment or to treat you in a negative way just because you make a claim against them.
Your employer should have appropriate Employers Liability Insurance in place to cover them in the event that any of their employees become injured due to their negligence or a breach of statutory duty. Therefore, the costs of the claim against your employer will be covered by your employer’s insurance company, not by your employer directly.
What are the time limits for making a claim?
Before starting your claim, it is important to note that there are strict time limits on personal injury claims. From the date of the accident that caused the injuries, the injured party will have 3 years to commence proceedings for claiming compensation.
One exception to the 3 year time limit occurs when the claimant who has suffered an injury does not have the mental capacity to begin their compensation claim. In this case, a close family member or friend can make a claim on their behalf, or they can make a claim when they regain mental capacity.
How can Beacon Law help?
Beacon Law can assist you in making a compensation claim for your slip and fall injury at work on a no-win, no-fee basis. If you have suffered a slip and fall injury because your employer failed to adhere to the correct health and safety measures, then contact Beacon Law today by calling 0330 1332 857 or complete the contact form at the top of the page to request a call back.
We will put you in touch with an experienced personal injury solicitor. Our team of accident at work solicitors will be more than happy to guide you through the process of making your accident at work claim.
If you decide to make a personal injury claim with Beacon Law, our highly professional solicitors will work hard to ensure that you receive appropriate treatment and the highest level of compensation for your slip and fall injury.
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Beacon Law
1st Floor
Shirley House
12 Gatley Road
Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Stacey