Delivery Driver Accidents – Claiming Compensation
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Delivery drivers are more susceptible to experiencing an accident than the typical road user, as the road is where they spend much of their workday. Delivery drivers typically face constraints such as other road users, time limits, defective road conditions, and an increase of traffic on the road in peak traffic periods, causing the job to be stressful and prone to mishaps.
Beacon Law can assist in delivery driver accident claims, determine eligibility, and estimate the amount you may receive from a compensation claim. If you have experienced an accident whilst working as a delivery driver, contact us today to find out whether you could be owed compensation.
Common causes of delivery driver accidents
As online retailers have made the option of home delivery increasingly accessible, delivery vehicles are one of the most common road users. This, in turn, has resulted in a high hazard rate for drivers of a delivery vehicle.
Beacon Law deals with many types of claims for accidents involving delivery drivers. The most common causes of these accidents include:
- Road traffic accidents – As with any driver, the most common hazard for a delivery driver on the road is the negligence of other road users. These accidents can be particularly dangerous for delivery drivers who use a motorcycle.
- Manual handling accidents – Delivery drivers can experience accidents when loading parcels in and out of a delivery vehicle, depending on the weight and size. Repetitive lifting of heavy loads can have a degenerative effect on back and shoulder Drivers can also experience crush injuries if items dislodge in transit and fall once the van door is opened.
- Equipment accidents – Various equipment can be used over the course of a delivery driver’s workday when out delivering parcels and whilst operating in the warehouse, from forklifts to the vehicle itself. If equipment is not regulated by an employer, it can be prone to malfunction.
- Unsuitable road conditions – As drivers spend most of their workday on the road, they encounter all types of road conditions. Slippery and icy roads caused by rain or snow or poor visibility at night or in a patch of fog can cause hazards for delivery drivers.
- Slips, trips, and falls – As in any workplace, slips, trips, and falls are a common accident to occur. Slippery floors or poor housekeeping can lead to employees tripping and causing injury.
Delivery Driver Accidents: Responsibility
Determining who is liable for a delivery driver accident can be a difficult part of the claim process. In most instances, it is an employer’s duty of care to ensure a delivery driver is safe and has adequate training to prevent potential accidents.
It is the driver’s responsibility to practice safe driving and adhere to road safety laws and regulations. Drivers can be held liable if it is determined that they have caused their accident by becoming distracted or speeding. Other road users can face liability if there is reason to believe they have failed to drive in a safe manner. Shared responsibility can also be a possibility.
Your employer’s responsibility
It is standard practice in any job role that your safety should be of high priority for your employer; the courier industry is no exception, despite drivers often having limited face-to-face contact with employers. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 was established to minimise the risk of accidents whilst at work, and employers must adhere to this.
Employers are responsible for providing appropriate training and, where necessary, the correct and reliable equipment to help you perform your duties safely. Should an accident and injury occur for a delivery driver, your employer is liable to report it to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The HSE has set out guidance on its website to assist employers in the implementation of safe workplace practices.
The Manual Handling Operation Regulations 1992 is another piece of key legislation that diminishes the risk of unsafe handling practices at work. As the roads have seen an influx of delivery drivers, especially post-pandemic, Health and safety laws and legislation have increased the protection of employees whilst at work.
What to do if you experience an accident as a delivery driver
If you have found yourself involved in a delivery driver accident which was not your fault, there are a few steps you should take to ensure you are protected from further inconvenience. Initially, even if your injuries do not feel particularly substantial, it is important to seek medical attention and be checked over by a doctor to prevent the worsening of the injury.
Your employer should also be notified of details of the accident at the earliest opportunity to ensure the accident is formally recorded in an accident book and to The Health and Safety Executive. This step should not be dismissed as it can be critical in the event that you would like to file an accident at work claim.
Delivery drivers are often hesitant in filing a Delivery driver accident at work claim as they often feel their credibility will be questioned due to the undefined nature of their workplace. A consultation with our specialist workplace injury solicitors can help you determine details of the accident and, if desired, we can help you on a no-win no-fee basis.
Making a claim against your employer for a delivery driver injury
A personal injury accident can have a considerable impact on a victim’s life, leading to an inability to work and financial difficulties.
Should you experience an accident whilst working as a delivery driver, you could be entitled to make a claim. There are a few important steps to take when preparing a claim. Evidence should be collected to support this process, including:
- All accident reports that were made in any accident logs or that were sent to the HSE.
- CCTV footage of the incident at the time it occurred, including the date and a view of the accident site.
- Photographic evidence of any injury sustained.
- Medical records. Many insurance companies recommend a full medical examination following a workplace accident to gain the optimal written supporting evidence for your claim, therefore potentially encouraging the success of the case.
- Any other influential evidence which may support the claims process, such as receipts and witness reports.
Is there a time limit to this process?
When making any application for personal injury compensation, in this case, a delivery driver accident, proceedings to claim should commence within three years of the date the accident occurred. The Limitation Period Act 1980 can allow exceptions to this rule if the claimant was under the age of eighteen when the accident occurred. This, however, is rare due to the legal driving age in the UK.
In the case the injury develops over time and is not initially apparent, drivers may have three years from the date they realised the injury was at the fault of someone else’s negligence. If mental incapacity was caused by a driver, the period for proceedings may begin once they have regained the ability to participate in proceedings.
How much compensation will I receive for my delivery driver accident claim?
Compensation sums to be received from a delivery driver accident claim will be determined using influencing factors such as the severity of impact on both financial and physical attributes.
The task of estimating a final figure of compensation can be difficult without knowing all the relevant details of the injury. Both General Damages, such as minor, moderate, and severe physical injury, and Special Damages, such as a loss of income, travel costs, reduced earning capacity, and medical care will be considered.
Provided with the correct information and a medical evaluation of your injury, our personal injury solicitors can estimate a figure you may be entitled to claim for your workplace injury.
How can Beacon Law assist with delivery driver accidents?
Beacon Law is a team of highly trained personal injury solicitors who deal with all aspects of personal injury claims, such as delivery driver accidents. After evaluating the contributing factors to the injury, we can ensure that this hard-to-navigate process is dealt with in a timely manner to increase your possibility of compensation.
Our team know that after experiencing an injury, a resolution is the most desirable route to enable a victim to continue living their life. We strive to provide the best advice as well as recovery treatment through our association with medical professionals.
If you have experienced a workplace accident which was not your fault and require dedicated advice from a firm that cares, contact us today by completing the contact form below to find out what compensation you may be able to receive. Alternatively, you can email info@beaconlaw.co.uk or call us at 03301332857 to get in touch.
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12 Gatley Road
Last Updated on January 28, 2025 by Stacey