Road Traffic Accident Solicitors UK: No Win No Fee


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Road traffic accident compensation claims are one of the most common types of claims in the UK. Road traffic accidents are a daily occurrence on Britain’s roads. These types of accidents cost thousands of lives and cause significant injuries every year.

If you have been injured in an accident on the road that was not your fault, you might be able to claim for a road traffic accident. Whether you were the driver or a passenger of a car, motorcyclist or victim of a ‘hit and run’ you may be eligible to make a claim due to the pain and suffering you endured. Our qualified solicitors have assisted claimants all over England and Wales in making these types of claims. Contact us today to start your claim.

road traffic accident solicitors UK

Road traffic accident solicitors UK: Common types of road traffic accident claims

Road traffic accident claims are made as a result of a number of different types of accidents. The most common types of road traffic accident claims we handle include:

Car accidents – Car accidents are, unfortunately, fairly common in the UK with over 25,000 drivers being involved in critical accidents within the last year.

Motorcycle accidents – Motorcycle Accident claims are one of the most common types of claim. Motorcycle accidents are so common as many road users do not pay enough attention when driving and often do not see motorcyclists when pulling out of junctions or switching lanes.

Cycling accidents – Cycling Accident claims are one of the most common types of personal injury claim. Unfortunately, cyclists are very vulnerable on the roads. They have little protection if they are involved in any collision (especially if they are hit by a car or other vehicle).

If you or a family member have been involved in a road traffic accident listed above, you could be eligible to make a road traffic accident. Following an accident, you should seek medical attention for your injuries. After this you should report the incident to the authorities and then contact your insurance company.


Common road traffic accident injuries


There are a variety of injuries that are associated with road traffic accidents, including:

Head injuries – Blunt force to the head can be serious as it can result in concussion or even long-lasting brain damage depending on the impact of the accident.

Spinal injuries – Spinal injuries can also be particularly severe as they have the chance of causing life-changing injuries, including paralysis or loss of mobility.

Broken bones – Broken arms, legs, shoulders and sometimes hips are common in road traffic accidents. A road traffic accident puts a large amount of force onto your body that your bones cannot withstand, resulting in painful bone breaks.

Whiplash – Whiplash injuries are one of the more common injuries that occur in accidents involving vehicles. Whiplash happens during the impact of a vehicle collision forcing your head to quickly move in a direction that can be painful and has the potential to last a while after the incident has happened.

Internal bleeding – Internal bleeding sometimes occurs after a road traffic accident, and it can have serious implications. It has the chance of being fatal if it is not treated immediately after the accident has occurred.

In addition to these physical injuries, you may also endure psychological injuries, which have the potential to be just as debilitating. Road traffic accidents can be linked with guilt as you may feel as though the accident was your fault, even if that is not the truth. Post-traumatic stress disorder is another psychological injury that can be linked with accidents and can make it impossible to drive or even get back into a vehicle.

Depending on how the road traffic accident happens, the severity of the injuries sustained can vary tremendously. The speed the cars are travelling when the car accident happens will have some bearing on the severity of the injuries sustained, as well as how well equipped the vehicles are with safety features such as seatbelts, airbags and side-impact bars.

If you are suffering from one of these injuries due to any of the reasons listed above as a result of the accident, you should consider making a claim for compensation.


What to do following a road traffic accident


If you’re involved in a road accident:-

  • Stop and remain at the scene for a reasonable period.
  • Give your vehicle registration number, name and address, and that of the vehicle owner (if different) to anyone with reasonable grounds for asking for those details.
  • Produce your certificate of insurance to any person at the scene who has reasonable grounds to view it.
  • If you do not exchange those details at the scene, you must report the incident at a police station or to a police constable within 24 hours of the accident occurring.
  • Report the accident to your motor insurers within a reasonable period of time. This tends to be an explicit term in your insurance policy, and any failure to report an incident may result in your insurers refusing to cover you.
  • Make sure you have the full names and addresses of the other parties involved, their vehicle registration numbers (together with make, model and colour) and the names, addresses and policy numbers of their insurance companies.
  • Make sure you have the full names and addresses of any eye-witnesses involved (including all passengers), and their vehicle registration numbers (together with make, model and colour).
  • Make a sketch of the accident location, to include street names, vehicle positions, the direction of travel, skid marks, collision points, and vehicle damage. Use a camera to take photos of the road layout, positions of vehicles, and vehicle damage.
  • If you have been injured in the accident, you should seek medical attention to have those injuries assessed and treated as soon as possible.
  • Keep receipts for any financial losses, such as vehicle damage repairs, medical treatment costs, and parking costs, and travel costs.
  • If you wish to make a claim for your injuries, contact Beacon Law to speak to a specialist personal injury lawyer from our road traffic accident claims department.


I have been involved in an accident with an uninsured driver – What Should I do?


Following any road traffic accident, you should always request the car insurance details of the driver at fault. You should also take photographs of the accident scene and obtain witness statements if possible.

If you have been involved in an accident involving an uninsured driver or a hit and run driver, you should report the accident to the police immediately. You should also make your insurance company aware of the accident.

If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or untraceable driver, you can still make a claim. However, the claims process may be slightly different than normal. The process for claiming against an uninsured or untraceable driver will involve your claim being submitted through the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB). Beacon Law can assist you in making this type of claim.


Road traffic accident solicitors UK: What can I recover in a road traffic accident claim?


Road traffic accident claims for compensation are split into two separate claims – general damages and special damages.

General damages refer to the amount of compensation awarded for your injuries sustained, i.e. your pain, suffering, and loss of amenity. To calculate this amount, we look at previous cases we have acted for, which are similar to yours, alongside guidelines that are issued to Judges who decide the outcome of these types of claims when they go to court.

Special damages refer to additional losses. These can include:

  • Costs for vehicle repair
  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical treatment expenses
  • Costs of care and assistance if you needed help around the home due to your injuries


How long do I have to make a claim?


There is a three-year time limit for all personal injury claims. Your claim will become statute-barred, and you will lose your entitlement to bring a claim for compensation if you do not conclude your claim or bring formal Court proceedings within three years of the accident date (or from the date on which you became aware that your injury was caused by the road accident.


How can Beacon Law, road traffic accident solicitors UK assist?


Beacon Law are specialist Personal Injury and Road Traffic Accident Solicitors UK, with a wealth of experience in dealing with personal injury compensation claims for local people. Our legal teams can provide you with the highest quality legal advice on making a claim and guide you through the process whilst negotiating the compensation you deserve.

Our specialist personal injury team are highly experienced in handling road traffic claims. We have recovered substantial compensation awards for client’s injured on the road. To find out more about making a claim on a no win no fee basis, have a look at the funding section on our website.

For a free, no-obligation assessment of your claim, call one of our specialist personal injury solicitors today on 0330 1332 857 or complete our online enquiry form, and one of our experts will call you back.

We have a team of solicitors assisting those based in the UK (England and Wales). For more information on road traffic accident claims, please visit our road traffic accident page. We also provide services for claims such as accident at work claims.

Beacon Law is a law firm authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority with registered offices based in Manchester.


Make a Claim

Contact us today to find out if you have a claim.

Use our Contact Forms or Call 0330 1332 857

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0161 428 1234

New Claims:

0330 1332 857


0161 239 1072


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1st Floor

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12 Gatley Road

