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Paralysis Compensation Claim – No Win, No Fee
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Paralysis injuries are serious and traumatic injuries that can significantly alter day to day life for the victim and their family members. It can be very overwhelming to think about starting a claim after suffering an injury which has caused paralysis. Our dedicated team of personal injury solicitors are experienced in assisting clients with their paralysis compensation claims and can guide you through the entire paralysis claims process.
If you are looking for a paralysis compensation claim solicitor, it is important to choose one with experience in handling cases like yours. Our team are experts in paralysis injury claims and have worked with many clients in obtaining personal injury compensation.
Please get in touch with us today for a free consultation with a specialist paralysis injury solicitor at Beacon Law.
What is paralysis?
Paralysis is a medical condition caused by the loss or impairment of voluntary muscle function in one or more parts of the body. It often results in the inability to move or control specific body parts. It can be temporary or permanent depending on its underlying cause and severity.
The most common causes of paralysis are neurological in nature. They are often related to damage in the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.
Paralysis can affect specific body parts, entire sides of the body, or even all four limbs. The impact of paralysis on an individual’s life can vary widely. Rehabilitation, physical therapy, and assistive devices are often used to help people with paralysis regain mobility and independence to the greatest extent possible.
What are the types of paralysis?
Paralysis can manifest in various forms, depending on the location and extent of the nerve or muscle damage. There are several different types of paralysis, including:
Monoplegia: In monoplegia, only one limb or a single area of the body is affected by paralysis. For example, a person may experience monoplegia in one arm or one leg.
Hemiplegia: Hemiplegia involves the paralysis of one entire side of the body. This typically means that both an arm and a leg on the same side are affected. Hemiplegia is often associated with conditions like stroke.
Paraplegia: Paraplegia is characterised by the paralysis of both lower limbs. It typically results from a spinal cord injury or a disease affecting the lower part of the spinal cord.
Quadriplegia (Tetraplegia): Quadriplegia, also known as tetraplegia, involves the paralysis of all four limbs, meaning both arms and legs are paralysed. It often occurs due to severe spinal cord injuries, particularly those high in the neck region.
Diplegia: Diplegia is a specific type of paralysis that affects corresponding body parts on both sides. For example, a person with diplegia might experience paralysis in both arms or both legs.
Triplegia: Triplegia is a term used to describe paralysis in three limbs. It can vary, such as paralysis in both legs and one arm or both arms and one leg.
Generalised paralysis: Generalised paralysis is a term used to describe paralysis that affects multiple areas of the body. It may be due to certain medical conditions or diseases affecting the nervous system.
The team at Beacon Law are highly experienced in assisting clients with their personal injury and medical negligence claims, advocating for our client’s best interests to secure the most appropriate amount of compensation for paralysis injuries.
If you have suffered an accident that wasn’t your fault and have been left paralysed as a result, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today to discuss your compensation claim. Our solicitors can talk you through the process and will let you know if you are eligible to make a paralysis compensation claim.
Common causes of paralysis
Accidents that can lead to paralysis are typically those that result in severe trauma or injury to the spinal cord or brain. These accidents can have life-altering consequences and may cause various degrees of paralysis. Some common accidents that can result in paralysis include:
Road traffic accidents: Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries, especially when they involve high-speed collisions or rollovers.
Slips, trips, and falls: Falls from heights, such as from ladders, roofs, or elevated surfaces, can lead to spinal cord or head injuries.
Sports injuries: High-impact sports like football, rugby, and extreme sports can result in spinal cord injuries, particularly if players experience heavy tackles or accidents during play.
Diving accidents: Diving into shallow water, or in areas with hidden underwater obstacles, can lead to severe head or spinal cord injuries.
Accidents at work: Certain work environments, like construction or industrial settings, may have a higher risk of accidents resulting in paralysis. These can include falls, being struck by objects, or machinery accidents. Employers have a duty of care to keep employees and visitors safe in the workplace.
Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians struck by vehicles can suffer serious head or spinal injuries.
It is important to note that accidents leading to paralysis can have serious and long-lasting consequences, affecting an individual’s physical and emotional well-being. Proper safety measures, including helmet use and seatbelt use, are essential to reduce the risk of such accidents. Additionally, prompt medical attention and rehabilitation are crucial for those who experience paralysis as a result of accidents to maximise their potential for recovery.
How much compensation could you receive?
Compensation amounts for a paralysis injury can be hard to predict as every case and every injury are different. Generally, the more severe an injury, the higher the amount of compensation awarded. It ultimately depends on the severity of the injury alongside the long-term care or lifestyle modifications required to help the claimant adjust to their new way of living.
Compensation is split into general damages and special damages. General damages refer to the compensation for your pain, suffering and loss of amenity.
As well as compensation for serious injuries, a claimant may also be awarded special damages which are to cover any additional financial losses suffered as a result of the acquired injuries. This includes having to take time off work, specialist medical expenses, travel costs and ongoing care costs. It is important to keep medical records and receipts for expenses such as these in order for your solicitor to claim for special damages.
In cases where immediate funds are needed, interim payments may be made. This is where a portion of the future compensation amount is paid to the claimant in advance.
Interim payments are likely to be made if the claimant is unable to work due to their injury or if they need to cover immediate expenses after the accident.
How long do you have to make a paralysis compensation claim?
It is important to be aware of the time limits for filing a personal injury claim. In general, the deadline is 3 years from the date of the incident. However, there are exceptions:
- Minors have until their 21st birthday to file a claim. Until then, a legal representative can file on their behalf.
- If the claimant lacks mental capacity, they can file at any time once they regain it.
- In the event of a fatal accident, close family members have 3 years from the victim’s death to claim compensation for their loss.
Why choose Beacon Law?
Beacon Law is a specialist personal injury law firm with ample experience of dealing with no win, no fee paralysis compensation claims. Our expertise in this area of law means we can provide an exceptional standard of service to our clients, and we work tirelessly to ensure we achieve the best possible outcome and highest level of compensation for your injuries.
Our personal injury solicitors are able to provide expert legal advice for many types of claims, including paralysis injuries that have been caused as a result of medical negligence, accidents at work, road traffic accidents, and many more. We offer our personal injury services on a no win, no fee basis.
Beacon Law is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. To find out more about our no win, no fee claims funding and legal fees, please have a look at the funding section on our website.
If you are in search of a solicitor who can assist with a paralysis compensation claim, then please contact us today on 0330 1332 857 to start your claim or complete our contact form at the top of the page to request a call back from a member of our personal injury team.
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Beacon Law
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Shirley House
12 Gatley Road
Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Stacey