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Broken Arm Claim for Compensation
Find out how much your personal injury claim may be worth
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Breaking your arm can cause some serious disruptions to your day-to-day life; you may find it difficult to accomplish easy daily tasks, and you may need to take time off work to recover from your arm injury.
If you have suffered a broken arm because of an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to make a personal injury compensation claim.
The compensation may not relieve the pain and suffering caused by your broken arm, but it should help you get your life back on track.
If you think you have broken your arm, the first thing you should do is seek medical treatment. Following this, if you wish to discuss your legal options, you should consult with a personal injury solicitor.
Contact Beacon Law today to find out if you are eligible to make an arm injury claim on a no-win, no-fee basis.
Accidents that lead to broken arm claims
At Beacon Law, we have dealt with numerous broken arm compensation claims, including:
Road traffic accidents:
Many road traffic accidents, including car accidents, pedestrian accidents, and cyclist accidents, can lead to serious arm injuries, especially elbow injuries and wrist injuries. If you have sustained a broken arm from a road traffic accident, you could be entitled to make an arm injury compensation claim.
Accidents at work:
Your employer has a duty of care to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible. However, sometimes, accidents at work happen. You could slip, trip or fall in the workplace and suffer an arm injury. If the correct training and protection measures are not in place and you sustain an injury at work, you could make a compensation claim against your employer.
Accidents in public places:
People slip, trip and fall in public places every day, and while it may be embarrassing, many of these accidents have severe consequences and can lead to serious injuries such as broken bones. In most cases, these accidents could have been avoided if safety procedures and regulations were followed correctly. If you have broken your arm in an accident in a public place, then you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
Sports accidents:
Many accidents that happen at sporting events can lead to serious injuries. You may have been involved in an inappropriate tackle, which caused you to fall over and break your arm or wrist, or you may have even sustained an injury because of faulty equipment or badly maintained fields or courts. You might be entitled to claim for compensation if you sustained a broken arm from a sporting event. Find out more information about claiming compensation for a sports accident by checking out our Sports Injury Claims For Compensation page.
If you have broken your arm in an accident that is not listed above, you may still be able to make a claim for compensation. Contact us today to speak to one of our specialist personal injury lawyers.
How much compensation for an arm injury?
It is not possible to determine the exact compensation settlement you will receive for your broken arm, as each case is unique. There is a wide range of arm injuries that can be labelled as a “broken arm”, and they all vary in severity. For example, some simple fractures can heal very quickly, whereas some of the more serious arm injuries can involve multiple fractures and long term consequences.
General Damages and Special Damages
Your compensation award will be split into two sections: general damages and special damages. Your general damages and special damages will be added together to give you the total value of your compensation award.
General Damages
General damages refer to the amount of compensation you will receive for your pain, suffering and loss of amenity. “Loss of amenity” is the legal term that refers to the impact that your accident or injury has had on your quality and enjoyment of life.
The amount of general damages compensation you will receive depends on the type and severity of the injury you sustained, your recovery time, and the impact your injury has had on your day-to-day life.
Special Damages
Special damages refer to the financial losses incurred as a direct result of your accident. Some examples of special damages include:
- Travel and transportation costs – this can be for travelling to and from medical appointments, whether you travelled by car, taxi or public transport.
- Medical costs – this can include medical expenses, such as medication and consultation fees, and costs for long term treatment, such as physiotherapy.
- Loss of earnings – you should be able to claim for loss of income compensation if your injury forced you to take long periods of time off work.
It is very important to keep all receipts and invoices for your special damages, as they will be required to prove your financial loss.
Calculating the value of your broken arm claim
You may be wondering how your compensation amount will be calculated. At Beacon Law, we will calculate your arm injury claim according to Judicial College Guidelines and recent case law. In order to determine how much compensation you could receive for your broken arm, we need to take into account the type of injury you have sustained, the severity of your injury and how long it took for you to make a full recovery from your injury.
According to Judicial College Guidelines, compensation amounts for a broken forearm can range from £5,280 to £104,370, depending on the severity of the injury:
- Simple forearm fracture with good recovery: £5,290 – £15,300
- Serious or multiple fractures to the forearm with a longer recovery period: £15,300 – £31,200
- Serious forearm fractures that lead to permanent damage or significant disabilities: £76,650 – £104,370
Time limits for making a claim
The general time limit for making a personal injury claim is governed by the Limitation Act 1980. The standard time limits are as follows:
Standard Time Limit
There is a 3-year time limit from the date of injury or date of nnowledge:
You must start a personal injury claim within three years of the date of the incident that caused the injury or the date you became aware (the “date of knowledge”) that your injury was linked to someone else’s negligence.
Exceptions to the Standard Rule
There are exceptions where the time limit may differ:
For individuals under 18, the three-year time limit does not begin until their 18th birthday. This means they have until their 21st birthday to start a claim.
Mental incapacity:
If the injured person lacks the mental capacity to manage their own affairs (as defined by the Mental Capacity Act 2005), the time limit does not begin to run until they regain capacity. If they never regain capacity, the time limit does not apply.
Fatal accidents:
If the injury results in death, the time limit is three years from the date of death or from the date the family or dependents became aware of the negligence that caused the death.
Industrial diseases:
For conditions such as asbestosis or other occupational diseases, the three-year limit starts from the date the injured person was diagnosed or became aware their condition was linked to their employment or exposure.
Criminal injuries:
For claims under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), the time limit is two years from the date of the incident.
International or specific circumstances:
For injuries sustained abroad or on an airplane, different limitation periods may apply depending on local laws or international conventions.
How can Beacon Law assist with your broken arm claim?
Beacon Law is a national law firm that specialises in personal injury claims. Our team of highly experienced personal injury solicitors and legal professionals have processed large numbers of successful claims for personal injuries, including broken arms.
Beacon Law can assist you in making a compensation claim for your broken arm on a no-win, no-fee basis, which means that you won’t have to pay any of our fees if your case is unsuccessful. We are experts in no win, no fee claims, and we are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
If you have broken your arm following an accident or as a result of someone else’s negligence, then contact Beacon Law today by calling 0330 1332 857 or complete the contact form at the top of the page to request a call-back, and we will put you in touch with an experienced personal injury solicitor. Our team of experts will be more than happy to guide you through the process of making your personal injury claim, and they will provide you with any further legal advice you may require.
If you decide to make a claim with Beacon Law, our highly professional personal injury solicitors will work hard to ensure that you receive appropriate treatment and the highest level of compensation for your broken arm.
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Beacon Law
1st Floor
Shirley House
12 Gatley Road
Last Updated on December 11, 2024 by Stacey