Ankle Injury at Work Compensation

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Suffering an Ankle Injury At Work

Ankle Injuries are common in people of all ages and can be caused by many different factors. The ankle consists of bones, tendons, and ligaments. Good mobility of our ankle joints is required to carry out daily activities, such as walking, cycling and driving. Because of this, an ankle injury can have a major impact on your personal and professional life, and you may be required to take prolonged periods of time off work. In some circumstances, your ankle injury may have been caused by an accident sustained at work due to your employers or fellow employee’s negligence. If this is the case, then you could be entitled to file a claim for ankle injury at work compensation against your employer.

Common Accidents That Can Lead To an Ankle Injury at Work 

 There are many hazards at work that can lead to you injuring your ankle, especially if your employer does not maintain high health and safety standards. Some of the most common accidents that can occur at work include:

·        Slips, Trips and Falls– These types of injuries can occur due to poor housekeeping in the workplace or a slippery pathway due to ice on the employer’s premises. Failure to warn employees of slipping hazards with a wet floor sign or failing to keep walkways tidy can lead to slips, trips and falls, leading to ankle injuries at work.

·        Falls from Heights- Falling from heights can cause many different injuries, especially in the ankles if you happen to land on your feet or fall awkwardly, hitting your feet off the ground. Unsafe work equipment, such as a faulty ladder or poorly constructed scaffold, may lead to ankle injuries due to a fall from height.

·        Improper Manual Handling- If your job role Involves you lifting heavy or multiple objects at once, your employer should have provided adequate training for you to carry out this type of task. Poor posture when lifting, or lifting incorrectly, may put extra strain on your lower limbs, leading to ankle problems.

·        Road Traffic Accidents-If your job Involves you driving or delivering products; you may be required to use a car or van owned by the company. If you were involved in a road traffic accident and suffered an injury to the ankles due to a defect in the company vehicle, you may be entitled to make a claim for ankle injury at work compensation.

·        Building Site Accidents- Ankle injuries caused by accidents on building sites are extremely common due to the dangerous nature of construction sites. Lack of safety and precaution on sites can lead employees sustaining injuries. Common types of accidents on building sites include, trips and falls over tools or rubble left on walkways, falls from poorly constructed scaffolding, heavy objects falling on feet etc.

·        Improper Use Of Dangerous Machinery- Most types of machinery used in the workplace can be dangerous, and if used incorrectly, can cause injury. Employers have a duty to provide adequate training to employees to ensure they can use dangerous machinery effectively and safely. Injuries to the ankles are commonly caused by improper use of machinery, such as forklift trucks.

·        Accidents Caused By Colleagues- Colleagues may make mistakes, such as leaving equipment or spillages on the floor, which can lead to slip and tripping accidents. Your fellow employees may act dangerously in the workplace and not follow safety rules. They may operate machinery in an unsafe manner, drive workplace vehicles such as cranes, tractors, or forklift trucks without care for other colleagues, or drive company cars negligently. This can cause multiple injuries and will make work an unsafe place to be.

Your employer has a duty of care to ensure that your workplace is as safe as possible. Your employer is under an obligation to provide a safe place of work under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations (1992) and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 impose a duty on your employer to ensure that the work environment is always clean and maintained to a high safety standard.

It is your employer’s duty to ensure your safety in the workplace by following strict health and safety at work legislation. If your employers fail to carry out their duties in a satisfactory manner, and as a result, you sustain an ankle injury, you may be able to make a claim for ankle injury at work compensation. 

If you have suffered an ankle injury at work due to someone else’s negligence, contact us today to find out if you could make an ankle injury claim.

Types of Ankle Injury

Before we discuss the process for claiming compensation for an ankle injury at work, it is worth looking at the various types of ankle injuries which can be sustained as the result of an accident. Below are the most common types of ankle injuries:

· Severe bruising.

· Broken ankle/fractured ankle.

· Ankle dislocations.

· Cuts and lacerations.

· Ankle sprains

· Ankle strains.

Each listed type of ankle injury above varies in severity; however, if you have suffered any type of ankle injury, you will be entitled to some degree of compensation in the event that negligence and causation are proven. Many accidents lead to minor ankle sprains and ankle strains, which can take between two to six weeks to heal. Some of the more severe ankle injuries will be extremely painful and may require surgery, resulting in weeks or months of rehabilitation and physical therapy in addition to time off work.


Can I Make an Ankle Injury Compensation Claim Against my Employers?

There are often worries associated with making a claim against an employer as many will be worried that the result will be negative and that they may be dismissed or treated negatively. We can assure you that your employer will not be legally allowed to terminate your employment or treat you in a negatively just because you are filing a claim against them. Your employer should have appropriate insurance in place to cover instances of any of their employees being injured due to their negligence or breach of statutory duty. Your employer will not suffer any direct, personal financial loss if they have adequate insurance in place.

What Should I Do If I Have An Accident At Work?

 In the event you are unfortunate enough to have suffered an ankle injury at work, we would recommend that you do the following:-

· Report your accident to your supervisor or manager as quickly as possible.

· Make sure that you ask your employers for the accident to be recorded in the accident book as soon as the accident has happened. Write an accurate description of the accident in the accident book. Your employer is legally required to keep a log of all accidents, and you should check any entries to ensure they are accurate, as this may be important evidence in your case.

· If possible, take photographs and prepare a sketch of the accident area, and any equipment that was involved.

· Ensure you take the contact details of any witnesses to the accident.

· Try to find out if there have been any similar accidents or any complaints that may be relevant to your accident, in the past.

· Seek medical advice from your GP or hospital.

· Keep a record of any expenses incurred by you.

· Always seek legal advice before agreeing to anything with your employer or their representative regarding the accident.


How Much Ankle Injury at Work Compensation will I receive?

If you have been injured in an accident at work, and have developed ankle injuries because of it, you may decide to make a claim. Your ankle injury settlement amount will be based on your pain, suffering and loss of amenity (general damages) as well as any financial losses you suffered as the result of the accident (special damages). It is difficult to determine the amount of compensation you will receive without knowing all the details of the injury. As many injuries are complex, especially those which are ongoing, it may be necessary to obtain a medical evaluation of your injuries before we can make an estimation on the value of your injuries.

The valuation of your general damages will be based on recent case law, as well as guidelines set out by the Judicial College.

The subject of special damages relates to incurred and expected costs going forward as a result of the ankle injury. Your additional losses can include the following:


· Loss of earnings.

· Future loss of earnings.

· Medical expenses.

· Travel expenses.

· Additional equipment required


Why Choose Beacon Law to Handle your Ankle Injury at Work Compensation Claim?

Beacon Law provides a team of highly qualified Solicitors and legal professionals with many years of experience in all personal injury matters. We provide a high level of service to all our clients and work hard to ensure you receive the highest level of accident at work compensation for your injuries. We are specialist Personal Injury claims solicitors with expertise in all types of claims, including, road traffic accidents, slips, trips, falls, and criminal injuries.

Beacon Law is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. To find out about more about how we can help you get a successful claim and how we can help you with your legal fees, extremely have a look at the funding section on our website.

To find out more about making a workplace accident, take a look at our FAQ’s.

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Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Stacey